Lower your monthly credit card payment processing fees and simplify your statement when you encourage customers to pay with cash or a gift card.
Take home 100% of all your Credit Card transactions.
Get Rewarded
ZERO Processing Fees
FREE Software
FREE Menus
FREE Websites
Online Ordering
FREE Menu Boards
Cash Discount eliminates a major portion of total card payment processing costs. The payment terminal software is designed to encourage customers to pay by cash or gift card.
At checkout, customers see a small service charge (either a fixed amount or percentage) — with a discount automatically applied when they pay with cash or a gift card.
No discount is given to customers paying by debit card or credit card. The software automatically determines all discounts and actions based on payment type.
If your customer pays 3.99% you receive 0.25%
For 3.5% you get 0.15%
And for
3% it’s
Monthly Credit Card | Cash Back |
$100,000 | $250 |
$50,000 | $125 |
The above example is based on a base price of 3.99%
Must Complete PCI Compliance Yearly
Customers see a non-cash adjustment price next to the order subtotal, encouraging them to pay cash. Transparent, easy to understand, and simplifies checkout.
Empower your customers to make the right decision for them and pay how they want. Cash Discount allows customers to save money and choose the payment method they want, while you pass processing and card brand fees on, saving your business money.
Simplify your statements and save money every month with Cash Discount.
Phone: 312-447-3030 | Email: